How to Do Animal Rights
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to action animal rights

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How to Do Animal Rights


What's This Free Online Book About?
The Author

Chapter 1.  Introduction to Doing Animal Rights

1. The Broad Setting

The Big Problem
Being Active
The Best Animal Rights Attitude
The Expanding Circle
The Great Leap

2. Mass Extinction

The Sixth Extinction
The Mega Devastators

3. The Animal Holocaust

What is the Animal Holocaust?
Incredible Killing
Not Ours to Abuse
The Most Effective Thing You Can Do

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 2.  Know Your Animal Ethics & Animal Rights

1. Animal Ethics
Importance of Animal Ethics
Some History
How to Proceed?
Ethical Theories
Ethical Theories Compared
Choosing an Ethical Theory
Do Philosophical Ideas Work?

2. Animal Rights
What are Animal Rights?
Background to Animal Rights
Major Dates for Rights
Animal Rights Theory
Fundamental Animal Rights Positions
Variations on Animal Rights
Are Rights a Cure-all?
Arguments For & Against Animal Rights

3. Comparing Animal Philosophies
Animal Ethics vs Animal Rights
Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare
Animal Rights vs Conservation
Deep Ecology

4. Universal Declaration of Animal Rights
UN Universal Declaration
Declaration of Animal Welfare
Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare

Animals Need You!How to Do Animal RightsAnimals Need You!

Chapter 3.  Campaigning Methods for Animal Rights

1. Campaigning
Your Right to Campaign
Where to Begin?
Keeping Going
10 Essential Campaigning Tips
More Tips

2. Civil Disobedience
What is Civil Disobedience?
Civil Disobedience & Animal Rights
Hunt Sabotage
Arguments For & Against Civil Disobedience

3. Direct Action
What is Direct Action?
Examples of Animal Rights Direct Action
Individual vs Mass Direct Action
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
The Battle of Brightlingsea
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
Inset: Background to Brightlingsea
Comparing Direct Actions
Direct Action vs Civil Disobedience
Efficacy of Direct Action
Ethical Code of Practice

4. Action Planning
What is an Action Plan?
Why an Action Plan?
Who Should Produce the Action Plan?
Before You Begin
Operations & Administrations
Creating Your Action Plan
You Should Be Smart
You Should Also SWOT
Make It Happen
A Simple Action Plan

5. Lobbying
What is Lobbying?
Who Can Lobby?
What & Whom to Lobby
Start Lobbying
How to Lobby
Lobbying Techniques

6. Picketing
What is Picketing?
AR Picketing is Like Industrial Picketing
How to Picket
Hitting Back

7. Starting a Group
Anyone Can Start a Group
What to Do?
Name & Logo
Finding Members
A Constitution?
The Group Committee
Group Success or Failure

8. Leafleting
Why Leafleting?
Posters & Placards

9. News Media
Why the News Media?
Make it Newsworthy
Media Tips
A Feature Article?
The Letters Page
News Release
The Radio
Radio Tips

10. Internet
Why the Internet?
The Web
Create Your Own Web Site / Blog
Designing Your Web Site
Capturing Viewers
Discussion Boards

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 4.  Activities for Animal Rights

 1. Undercover Investigator

 2. Video Activist

 3. Animal Friendly Traveller

 4. Animal Preacher

 5. Animal Rescuer

 6. Investigative Reporter

 7. Media Watcher

 8. Philosopher

 9. Flyer

10. Personal Activist

11. Animal Lawyer

12. Politician

13. Prisoner Supporter

14. Public & School Speaker

15. Aerial Snooper

16. Scientific Investigator

17. Solo Information Worker

18. Street Theatre Actor

19. Teacher

20. Voluntary Worker Abroad

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 5.  The Law & Animal Rights

1. Terrorism
A Definition of Terrorism
Background to Terrorism
But What Really is Terrorism?
Animal Extremism & Terrorism
Does AR Extremism Work in Practice?

2. Violence or Nonviolence?
Scope of AR Extremism
Can We Justify Violence?
Kinds of Violence
Views For & Against Violence
Is Violence Efficacious?

3. The Law - US & Britain
United States
FBI vs Extremists
Extremist Tactics
Establishment Fights Back

4. Police Arrest
Ben Prepared
In the Street & At Your Door
At the Police Station
Your Tactics
Know Your Rights
Remaining Silent
Having a Lawyer Present
Suing the Police

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 6.  Assorted Animal Rights Activists

1.  Steven Best

2.  John Lawrence

3.  Andrew Linzey

4.  Richard Martin

5.  The McLibel Two

6.  Ingrid Newkirk

7.  Jill Phipps

8.  Henry Salt

9.  Henry Spira

10. Three Philosophers

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 7.  Numbers of Animal Raised & Killed

1.  Summary

2.  Chickens

3.  Pigs

4.  Beef Cattle

5.  Fish

6.  Meat Consumption

7.  Fur-bearers

8.  Experimental Animals

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 8.  Extras!

1.  Mutilations of Farm Animals

2.  The Five Freedoms

3.  Painism

4.  The Forgotten Fur

5.  The Golden Rule

6.  Human Overpopulation

7.  Climate Change

8.  Think Like an Animal

Appendix - World Scientists' Warning to Humanity

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 8


5. The Golden Rule

What is the Golden Rule?

Treat others how you would like to be treated, this is the Golden Rule, a moral maxim that guides our behaviour to others. This simple rule has been an attractive philosophy for over two thousand years because it can often resolve conflict and almost anyone can grasp and apply it without any special reasoning or learning. Diverse cultures and major religions celebrate and affirm the Golden Rule. In the Christian tradition it is well know by the phrase: do unto others as you would be done by.

Many religions affirm the Golden Rule The Golden Temple or Harmandir Sahib, India, foremost shrine for Sikhs. Many cultures and religions affirm the Golden Rule. Photo: Vinish K Saini.

Applying the Golden Rule

To apply the Golden Rule you should know or imagine what result your action could have on the recipient. Ask yourself whether you would be willing to suffer similar treatment. Finally, you should act accordingly. Someone is about to get a flogging for stealing a sheep. Putting yourself in their shoes, would flogging be an effective solution? What might be a better course of action? You can also apply the Golden Rule to communities. Appeal to the majority to end discrimination against the minority. Ask the majority how they would feel if they were second class citizens living in run-down housing, receiving second rate health care and exposed to the whims of misfortune. If they would not like to be in this situation themselves, ask why they should tolerate it in others.

Applying the Golden Rule to Animals

Most people do not think of applying the Golden Rule in their relationship with animals. But you can. It is particularly easy to do with animals you find empathy with, such as domesticated animals, mammals and birds. Seeing them in cages prompts the question to the people who put them there of whether they would like to be treated the same way. The animal's are isolated from their peers and driven to apathy by boredom and frustration; their freedom of movement and expression of natural behaviour are gone.

Of course, the Golden Rule is not an unfailing guide to identify the best moral action to help anyone. You cannot be certain what someone wants or how they feel. Fathoming the requirements of animals is more difficult, especially when they cannot readily indicate their needs. But do not let people misuse the Golden Rule. People can use it to justify bad action by appealing to the supposed wishes of the other party. They might incarcerate animals, such as in a zoo, by assuming that what they or their species want is conservation. Or they might shut animals away for their 'health', such as in a laboratory that develops drugs usable on animals as well as people.

How to Do Animal Rights.
First published on the Web: April 2008.
© Roger Panaman, April 2008. All rights reserved.