How to Do Animal Rights
Your free online book
to action animal rights

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How to Do Animal Rights


What's This Free Online Book About?
The Author

Chapter 1.  Introduction to Doing Animal Rights

1. The Broad Setting

The Big Problem
Being Active
The Best Animal Rights Attitude
The Expanding Circle
The Great Leap

2. Mass Extinction

The Sixth Extinction
The Mega Devastators

3. The Animal Holocaust

What is the Animal Holocaust?
Incredible Killing
Not Ours to Abuse
The Most Effective Thing You Can Do

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 2.  Know Your Animal Ethics & Animal Rights

1. Animal Ethics
Importance of Animal Ethics
Some History
How to Proceed?
Ethical Theories
Ethical Theories Compared
Choosing an Ethical Theory
Do Philosophical Ideas Work?

2. Animal Rights
What are Animal Rights?
Background to Animal Rights
Major Dates for Rights
Animal Rights Theory
Fundamental Animal Rights Positions
Variations on Animal Rights
Are Rights a Cure-all?
Arguments For & Against Animal Rights

3. Comparing Animal Philosophies
Animal Ethics vs Animal Rights
Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare
Animal Rights vs Conservation
Deep Ecology

4. Universal Declaration of Animal Rights
UN Universal Declaration
Declaration of Animal Welfare
Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare

Animals Need You!How to Do Animal RightsAnimals Need You!

Chapter 3.  Campaigning Methods for Animal Rights

1. Campaigning
Your Right to Campaign
Where to Begin?
Keeping Going
10 Essential Campaigning Tips
More Tips

2. Civil Disobedience
What is Civil Disobedience?
Civil Disobedience & Animal Rights
Hunt Sabotage
Arguments For & Against Civil Disobedience

3. Direct Action
What is Direct Action?
Examples of Animal Rights Direct Action
Individual vs Mass Direct Action
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
The Battle of Brightlingsea
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
Inset: Background to Brightlingsea
Comparing Direct Actions
Direct Action vs Civil Disobedience
Efficacy of Direct Action
Ethical Code of Practice

4. Action Planning
What is an Action Plan?
Why an Action Plan?
Who Should Produce the Action Plan?
Before You Begin
Operations & Administrations
Creating Your Action Plan
You Should Be Smart
You Should Also SWOT
Make It Happen
A Simple Action Plan

5. Lobbying
What is Lobbying?
Who Can Lobby?
What & Whom to Lobby
Start Lobbying
How to Lobby
Lobbying Techniques

6. Picketing
What is Picketing?
AR Picketing is Like Industrial Picketing
How to Picket
Hitting Back

7. Starting a Group
Anyone Can Start a Group
What to Do?
Name & Logo
Finding Members
A Constitution?
The Group Committee
Group Success or Failure

8. Leafleting
Why Leafleting?
Posters & Placards

9. News Media
Why the News Media?
Make it Newsworthy
Media Tips
A Feature Article?
The Letters Page
News Release
The Radio
Radio Tips

10. Internet
Why the Internet?
The Web
Create Your Own Web Site / Blog
Designing Your Web Site
Capturing Viewers
Discussion Boards

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 4.  Activities for Animal Rights

 1. Undercover Investigator

 2. Video Activist

 3. Animal Friendly Traveller

 4. Animal Preacher

 5. Animal Rescuer

 6. Investigative Reporter

 7. Media Watcher

 8. Philosopher

 9. Flyer

10. Personal Activist

11. Animal Lawyer

12. Politician

13. Prisoner Supporter

14. Public & School Speaker

15. Aerial Snooper

16. Scientific Investigator

17. Solo Information Worker

18. Street Theatre Actor

19. Teacher

20. Voluntary Worker Abroad

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 5.  The Law & Animal Rights

1. Terrorism
A Definition of Terrorism
Background to Terrorism
But What Really is Terrorism?
Animal Extremism & Terrorism
Does AR Extremism Work in Practice?

2. Violence or Nonviolence?
Scope of AR Extremism
Can We Justify Violence?
Kinds of Violence
Views For & Against Violence
Is Violence Efficacious?

3. The Law - US & Britain
United States
FBI vs Extremists
Extremist Tactics
Establishment Fights Back

4. Police Arrest
Ben Prepared
In the Street & At Your Door
At the Police Station
Your Tactics
Know Your Rights
Remaining Silent
Having a Lawyer Present
Suing the Police

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 6.  Assorted Animal Rights Activists

1.  Steven Best

2.  John Lawrence

3.  Andrew Linzey

4.  Richard Martin

5.  The McLibel Two

6.  Ingrid Newkirk

7.  Jill Phipps

8.  Henry Salt

9.  Henry Spira

10. Three Philosophers

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 7.  Numbers of Animal Raised & Killed

1.  Summary

2.  Chickens

3.  Pigs

4.  Beef Cattle

5.  Fish

6.  Meat Consumption

7.  Fur-bearers

8.  Experimental Animals

How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 8.  Extras!

1.  Mutilations of Farm Animals

2.  The Five Freedoms

3.  Painism

4.  The Forgotten Fur

5.  The Golden Rule

6.  Human Overpopulation

7.  Climate Change

8.  Think Like an Animal

Appendix - World Scientists' Warning to Humanity


How to Do Animal Rights

Chapter 2

Introduction to Doing Animal Rights

4. Declaration of Animal Rights

UN Universal Declaration

Questions about human welfare and about nature conservation are addressed at the highest levels of government. They are debated at international meetings and agreements among nations are codified in binding Charters, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on Biodiversity are examples. Yet animals have no worldwide protection, presumably because they are so important a part of human economic exploitation.

The lack of success in shaping internationally binding charters on animal rights has not been for want of trying. People have attempted to identify and advance the rights of animals at least since the 18th century. Henry Salt (1851 - 1939) is credited with writing the first book on animal rights, published in 1892 and subsequently, and he traced efforts back to John Lawrence (1753 - 1839) one of the earliest writers in modern times on animal rights and welfare. Lawrence argued in his 1796 book, A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on Horses and the Moral Duties of Man Towards Brute Creation, that we have to care for animals and common law should support this principle in practice. (For more about Salt and Lawrence see Chapter 6.)

The 20th century saw a number of international declarations supporting animal rights. Perhaps the most prominent venture was the announcement (5) in 1978 by the United Nation�s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) of the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. Among the Declaration's pronouncements are that all animals have the same rights to existence, no animal shall be ill-treated or subject to cruelty, animals shall command the protection of law, and dead animals shall be treated with respect. The Declaration, however, waned and faded away before it could reach significant levels of international agreement.

Declaration on Animal Welfare

More recently some of the world's leading animal welfare organisations have started campaigning for the United Nations to adopt a new declaration, this time on the welfare of animals: the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (draft reproduced below). Why welfare and not rights? Possibly the softer option of welfare is easier for people to accept, so that this new declaration has a better chance of being endorsed and enduring.

The animal organisations behind this new declaration envisage that signatory countries to the document will recognise animals as sentient beings. They hope their Declaration will make animal welfare an important global issue, pioneer the way for legally binding international agreements on animal welfare and hasten a better deal for animals worldwide. The Declaration would also underscore the importance of animal welfare as part of the moral development of humanity. So far a number of United Nations member states are acting as a steering group to advance the initiative at the UN. But achieving this Declaration for animals will be a long and twisting journey. To illustrate, the Convention on the Rights of the Child took thirty years of effort before the UN adopted it.


(1) Salt, Henry. Animals' Rights: Considered in Relation to Social Progress. G Bell & Sons: London, 1894. Reprinted 1980 by Macmillan & Co: New York and by Centaur Press: London.

(2) Lawrence, John. A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on Horses and the Moral Duties of Man Towards Brute Creation. T N Longman: London. 1796.

(3) The Times, 17 October 1978.

A draft copy of the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, composed by a number of animal welfare organisations, is reproduced below.


Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare


The Manila Conference on Animal Welfare recognizes:

That animal welfare is an issue worth consideration by governments.

That the promotion of animal welfare requires collective action and all stakeholders and affected parties must be involved.

That work on animal welfare is a continuous process


RECOGNIZING that animals are living, sentient beings and therefore deserve due consideration and respect;

RECOGNIZING that animal welfare includes animal health;

RECOGNIZING that humans share this planet with other species and other forms of life and that all forms of life co-exist within an interdependent ecosystem;

RECOGNIZING that, although there are significant social, economic, religious and cultural differences between human societies, each should care for and treat animals in a humane and sustainable manner;

AGREEING that the term nation includes peoples, civil society and the state;

ACKNOWLEDGING that many nations already have a system of legal protection for animals, both domestic and wild;

SEEKING to ensure the continued effectiveness of these systems and the development of better and more comprehensive animal welfare provisions;

ACKNOWLEDGING that the humane use of animals can have major benefits for humans;

AWARE that the "five freedoms (freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition; freedom from fear and distress; freedom from physical and thermal discomfort; freedom from pain, injury and disease; and freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour) " and the "three Rs (reduction in numbers of animals, refinement of experimental methods and replacement of animals with nonanimal techniques)" provide valuable guidance for the use of animals;

RECOGNIZING that the provisions contained in this declaration do not affect the rights of any nation;


1. The welfare of animals shall be a common objective for all nations;

2. The standards of animal welfare attained by each nation shall be promoted, recognized and observed by improved measures, nationally and internationally, respecting social and economic considerations and religious and cultural traditions;

3. All appropriate steps shall be taken by nations to prevent cruelty to animals and to reduce their suffering;

4. Appropriate standards on the welfare of animals be further developed and elaborated such as, but not limited to, those governing the use and management of farm animals, companion animals, animals in scientific research, draught animals, wildlife animals and animals in recreation.


How to Do Animal Rights.
First published on the Web: April 2008.
© Roger (Ben) Panaman, April 2008. All rights reserved.